miércoles, 29 de mayo de 2013

Promoting Positive Behaviour

Learning and Teaching Scotland, 2011, "Restorative approaches: Relationships, Respect and Responsibilities - Three R's for the 21st Century?" athttp://www.educationscotland.gov.uk/resources/r/genericresource_tcm4657842.asp?strReferringChannel=educationscotland&strReferringPageID=tcm:4-615801-64
This article is centred around the behaviour of children in schools and how to deal with "bad" behaviour through positive coping strategies.
Restorative Approaches build upon the notion of positive regard which is based on the premise that we all need to be regarded for who we are. This moves our thinking away from only our actions/achievements having value. It also helps us differentiate between the person and her/his behaviour.
The philosophy of Restorative Approaches are based on the philosophy of the child having rights and responsibilities. The child has many rights to do what they want but they have to understand the responsibility that comes with it and the consequences of their actions. This is important as it leads the focus away from punishment for doing something "wrong". The child is then responsible for their own behaviour and knows the difference between right and wrong leading to more independence for the child.
When using Restorative Approaches in the classroom, it leads to a more positive relationship between teacher and pupil. It is not only about teaching the pupil to understand their behaviour but also allows the teacher to evaluate his/her approach to different kinds of behaviour and which approaches seem to be more effective in developing a happier and respectful environment for everyone.
This article described the differences between "Restorative Approaches" and "Traditional Approaches" within discipline. This was really interesting and allowed me to see all the different approaches we can now use in the classroom. Traditional approaches were mainly punishing bad behaviour, breaking rules, accountability leading to punishment and often the affected person being ignored. Restorative approaches oppose these traditional styles of discipline and state 'dialogue and negotiation' being an important aspect to allow the child to realise where he/she has gone wrong. Restorative approaches include accountability leads to putting things right, i.e. being honest and realising the child has done something wrong will then lead to the child knowing not to do it next time.
'Promoting Positive Behaviour' is the best way forward for discipline in primary schools as children are more encouraged by hearing that they are doing something well as opposed to being shouted at for doing something wrong. We have to allow our pupils to develop a sense of their own rights and responsibilities in the classroom and allow them to solve the behavioural rights and wrongs. This leads to children becoming more autonomous in their school life and setting them up more effectively for life in the 21st century.

martes, 14 de mayo de 2013

Crean una aplicación móvil de dictados para niños de 3 a 12 años

   La empresa gerundense Estudi Kalimba ha creado la aplicación móvil DIC-DIC de dictados de textos de enseñanza para niños de 3 a 12 años, según ha informado este martes la entidad en un comunicado.


Otra forma interesante y provechosa en la que invertir nuestro tiempo, haciendo agradables nuestros ratos libres y los de muchas personas.

martes, 23 de abril de 2013

23 de abril: El Día del Libro

El Día Internacional del Libro es una conmemoración celebrada a nivel mundial con el objetivo de fomentar la lectura, la industria editorial y la protección de la propiedad intelectual por medio del derecho de autor. A nivel internacional es promulgado por la UNESCO la cual lo hizo por primera vez en 1995. Se celebra cada 23 de abril pues corresponde al fallecimiento de los escritores Miguel de CervantesWilliam Shakespeare e Inca Garcilaso de la Vega.
En otras comunidades como Cataluña, esta fecha coincide con el día de Sant Jordi, patrón de esta región, en  la que se intercambian rosas para demostrar amor ademas de un libro. Esta celebración es muy importante e incluso ha llegado a extenderse  otros países.

Importance of relationship between parents and teachers

Parents, carers and families are by far the most important influences in a child's life. Their support can play a vital role at all stages of education.
Parents who take on a supportive role in their child’s learning make a difference in improving achievement and behaviour. The active involvement of parents in the life of the school can help promote a learning community in which pupils can engage positively with school staff and their peers.
Schools can benefit from developing positive partnerships with parents by involving them in all decisions affecting their child’s education and learning. Engaging with parents gives them the chance to understand the role that they play in their child’s learning and development and fosters parental involvement.
Clear, open channels of communication facilitate reporting to parents on their child's progress. Using effective channels of communication and getting parents involved in personal learning planning helps to build strong relationships and encourages involvement in the child's learning and progress.

martes, 16 de abril de 2013

Actividades Extraescolares

Echando un vistazo, encontré una web interesante acerca de las actividades extraescolares en las que pueden invertir su tiempo los pequeños. Además explica en qué consiste cada una y qué tiempo se dedica a cada una de ellas, la pongo con intención de que nos sirva de inspiración.

lunes, 15 de abril de 2013


¿Qué es la educación? ¿Una persona sin educación puede ser educada?
Os dejo un video que hace reflexionar bastante. Lo he encontrado muy interesante.

Espero os guste ;)